Welcome to Mary, Undoer of Knots Parish, the unified St. Constance and St. Robert Bellarmine faith community!

We are a Christ-centered faith community that believes in Jesus’ love for all people. We have a vibrant parish that offers something for everyone. To learn more, see the schedule of Mass times and Sacraments and our calendar, check out our ministries, read the weekly bulletin, and take a look at our Faith Formation program and school website.

If you are a new parishioner, please contact the rectory with any questions. 

Effective 11.26.2022

English Masses:
Monday - Saturday: 8am (St. C) and 8:30am (SRB)
Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm (St. C) and 5:15pm (SRB)
Sunday: 7:30am (St. C), 9am (SRB), 10:30am (St. C), 12pm (SRB)

Msze po polsku (St Constance):
Poniedzialek - Piatek: 7pm
Niedziela: 9am, 12:30pm, 7pm